An increased boldness from the adversary has not come without response form the Lord. The Lord has instigated through his servants in these last days an incredible training program for his youth and single adults. Without even mentioning the missionary program, the CES program and the young men’s and young women’s programs are unparalleled in all of the history of the world. With this in mind we realize that we are in a much different station than Joseph Smith. The truth has been restored and access to the Holy Ghost or the “record of heaven” (Moses 6:61) is with us. We need only keep the commandments of the Lord and we will walk in his Spirit and be prepared to “kindle fire” and create “sparks” of light for ourselves and for others (2 Nephi 7:11).
As we learn and teach each other at institute, we equip ourselves with the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:17), a most necessary tool for learning the “peaceable things of the kingdom” that we may grow in wisdom and judgment (Moses 6:62). We can see the kingdom of God, and we acquaint ourselves with God that he may pour his power upon us and our posterity, for we live in a day when the powers from heaven (our ancestors) and the powers upon the earth (us) will combine to fulfill God’s covenant to Adam, Noah, and Abraham. We are being trained as earthly sentinels to stand before magistrates and declare with the boldness of a lion that we are acquainted with God and his people, and that He offers all women and men a mansion in his city.
If God were to speak to us today, I would not be surprised if he were to say, “You are part of my marvelous work and wonder that I spoke of by Isaiah the prophet.” For we truly live in a day when “greater works” (John 14:12) are done than the works that were witnessed in Christ’s day. I am a witness. I have seen many maimed of spirit made whole. I have seen those lame of social confidence healed. I have seen many blind and deaf to the spirit made sensitive to the powers of heaven. We truly are a part of God’s marvelous work and wonder, and what an honor to stand together in such a mighty cause, and we do so because God "loved us first” (1 John 4:19) by sending His Son Jesus Christ to show mercy and compassion to all, and to redeem those who wash themselves clean and apply his atoning blood in their lives.
-Kyler Harmon
-Kyler Harmon
What Mormons teach about the birth of a handicapped Child and minorities especially in third world countries
ReplyDelete"This privilege of obtaining a mortal body on this earth is seemingly so priceless that those in the spirit world, even though unfaithful or not valient, were undoubtedly permitted to take mortal bodies although under penalty of racial or physical or nationalistic limitations...." (Decisions for Successful Living pp 164-165) TLDP: 497- Harold B. Lee
“There is no truth more plainly taught in the Gospel than that our condition in the next world will depend upon the kind of lives we live here. …Is it not just as reasonable to suppose that the conditions in which we now live have been determined by the kind of lives we lived in the pre-existent world of spirits? That the apostles understood this principle is indicated by their question to the Master when the man who was blind from his birth was healed of his blindness, ‘Master, who did sin, this man or his parents that he was born blind?’ (John 9:2.) Now perhaps you will have a partial answer to some of your questions as to why, if God is a just Father, that some of his children are born of an enlightened race and in a time when the Gospel is upon the earth, while others are born of a heathen parentage in a benighted, backward country; and still others are born to parents who have the mark of a black skin with which the seed of Cain were cursed and whose descendants were to be denied the rights of the priesthood of God”
(Harold B. Lee, Decisions for Successful Living, pp. 164-165).
Would you consider this continuing revelation ?